1533ad47 1710 4b3c b323 f4d7b149d0f2 1

Adventures to the Jurassic Retreat

Super attention to detail with the dino theme, from the huge 20 ft animatronic t-Rex to the pictures on the walls and everything in between. ✨

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Want to kill two birds with one stone by mixing your love of dinosaurs with a trip to America? The Jurassic Retreat is in Skamania County, Washington state. This short break destination is so new that you can still smell the paint. Even so, it is already proving mighty popular with the youngsters.

About the Retreat

This is one of the most sensational deals we have come across. With this 2000+ square foot property, you can all have your own room as you explore the prehistoric site. There are three gigantic dinosaurs to spark the imagination, and you can live in a house on a national park just like those visiting Jurassic Park did in the film. Relive your dinosaur dreams and give the kids a holiday experience they will never forget. Plus, you know, America and that.

Life as a cave person is only a few clicks away. Remember to take some treats to distract those raptors.

The Details
  • Where:
    Washington State, USA
  • Sleeps:
    8 People
  • Bedrooms:
  • Pets:
  • WiFi:
  • Food & Drink:
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50a2540e bb79 408f 8e06 76d28b214e20 18dbc098 d4f8 4d3f a4c7 e658db05dcb9 5ced4fab e593 4b63 bbbe 06cc4cb66137 4ad2836c 3f40 46a0 8074 62d9ed38c367 da22b8eb f7b9 46bb 992d af3af57da053 550153ff 3e65 450a b8af b2d3a9ac0e5b 5eca7df2 1ced 4194 8a35 666be2fde17d cdfbb9e6 0616 409d 99e2 443b15a22d89 a63de7a0 7333 4ddd a31e eb0e6fe457f8 9271e2d5 c7ae 42b6 8667 bf2d43f4afe5 1533ad47 1710 4b3c b323 f4d7b149d0f2 1 107f7b1a 5786 4d3c b2af 7eb2bbd20daf 1 104e2209 87df 4773 8c86 a94a080ca428 80d8d2be bd95 4861 9505 6ded4c17c883 fe419bb5 8b5c 4b1c b1cf 03e14b52c88a ac3673ed 027e 4ee7 9fa2 935e909a0ed6 8917024f 723d 4cfc 8088 bf842e0f189f 1 8327a726 16d1 4f98 920a 078c3a384053 601eb015 2079 4841 b585 08b0302db30b 1 83a3885f 27f8 4d31 bd0d c7f194f4aa2b 70aafdd5 8c45 4d82 b619 35e388836865

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