
Suspended Over Kentucky

Suspended Over Kentucky

An unbelievably unforgettable stay! We had no issues finding the cliff dweller and instantly felt right at home.
Book a Break in Cave House in Gran Canarias

Book a Break in Cave House in Gran Canarias

The Acusa Seca Cave House was excavated from the mountain using traditional burrowing techniques. And now you can stay in it. Do you think they realised when they scooped it out in the 500s that it would still see use 1500 yeas later? That’s a long time to exist.
An Exciting Trip in a Cave in Vouvray, France

An Exciting Trip in a Cave in Vouvray, France

How does a holiday abroad in a luxury location with some exposed rough walls and ceilings in the old-world French style sound? This opulent cave home rental suits 6 guests and sits in the heart of its very own vineyard.